Thanks for the help, social media. I have now totally lost sight of my life purpose.

Some things are interesting. Much fewer are actually enjoyable and stimulating (most of the them IRL vs. URL). And only a handful are important. 

Once upon a time only employees of news agencies could see and experience a steady stream of news from around the planet.

Then the whole planet turned into a news agency. The product of Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other news volcanoes is a lava stream of news snippets.

This stream, this deluge, this Niagara first confuses, then reverse the relationship of interesting, enjoyable and important. Merely interesting becomes “important”, and as to important

Bye bye
Bye bye!

Interesting links, videos, articles, contests, video games, pictures of cute animals and other link bait drives Enjoyment and Importance out of the market and gradually turns us into buzz-whores.

dont miss the buzz
Thanks for the help, social media. I have now totally lost sight of my life purpose.

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